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Sunday, 20 March 2022

Tips to Increase AdSense Revenue

Friends low CTR (Click Thorugh Rate) and Poor CPC (Click Per Cost) These two things causes our headache |

And Friends

    We should deal with them how?
    CTR and CPC in order to promote and how we can enhance our Adsense Revenue?

This is a Question Blogging efforts made ​​by our deep hurts.

Friends, today I feel like I'm a Doctor who is taking a Tasty Capsule to get comfortable with the deep pain |

So you know what I'm going to tell you? If yes, then read on.

Google AdSense and AdSense Revenue Increase then how Aarning Bdaaye Top Excellent Tips

Boost Your AdSense Income
Increase your Adsense Income |

So you ready

Let us know about some of the Fool Strategies by which you can also earn more money from the Adsense Ads.

# One capsule. Guest Blogging

If you know of Guest Blogging How to Increase Your Google Adsense Earning help to do? Not ...... .. O

Try these methods once but then you should Seriously. Base I know all of you, will surely like |

Earnings Improve Google AdSense and AdSense are so-oo How the CPC Bdaaye Top Excellent Tips

How Guest Blogging for More Effective Aarning?

Guest Blogging Earning more is how effective?

If you're thinking about. Right? Really, leads you always have some new Questions prepared. But I also have some Cool Answer Your Questions to Answer in |

Friends When we write for a big Blog, then in our Publish Blog Post is that the way we can do so that our Post Promote a way more on our Blog Audience (Visitors) to come. Friends of the Blog Traffic with our new Visitors Offers as well as the way they also increases the likelihood of our Click on Advertisements.

Also, if you're writing a Guest Post for English Blog is for you then it may prove even more beneficial, because in this way on your Blog UK, and the US So this way many of these will come Visitors many Visitors at our Click Ads to Click on Ads on our will, so they would get us a High CPC |

I think now you must have understood how the Guest Blogging is a Super Capsule which could lead to the rest of us Low Adsense Earnings |

How the CPC AdSense Bdaaye TOP Excellent tips and how CPC of AdSense Bdaaye Top Excellent Tips

Capsule # NIL. With a little trick Keywords Selection

As we are all aware of the success that can get us to the choice of High Paying Keywords. But the Friends Intejar. Stay 3 Minute think (the joke was not really a day you should think) and then you will know it's you're Cometitiors is also High Paying Keywords Target |

So Friends ·

  •     Think of how to beat your competitors to fail? ·
  •     Keywords them on and how you can do so much more than get High Ranking possible Click?

I know you do not have any answers. Answer is you. Then I'll greet you.

But if you really really want to get the answer to this question is a little Trick in the telling.

If you have not received the High Ranking Low Competitive Keywords, then you should choose in order to increase your chances of coming on High Ranking. These Keywords and Target to Build Quality Backlinks some. Low Competitive Keywords by Search Results then you easily will get High Rank |

Now, we have some Tricks of kicks in the Action. Friends High Paying Keywords choose some of which may meet your Content, and its Article Keywords Put in any Paragraph, or ADD. Directly apply to this Paragraph and to Google Ads |

This way you will get your Keywords High Paying Advertisement Featuring the Match.

Check it out and I saw this really works or not, and I fell Shocked to see the results. Really I can prove very effective for you |

Screenshot of the Advertisement Below you can see the Paragraph of which have been planted and fully Keyword Match from happening.

What about all of the Fact? Comment and share your thoughts through the course, to note here is not PolishMyWriting My Main Keywords. This is just a Demo of which was shown to let you know I Ad, Content Match is what kind of |

So Friends Simply Fool Strategies up to you, we told you about in which you can do to Increase your Google Adsense to the Earning. Also, many of which Workable Methods Base but Friends is an excellent Method by which you can also increase your Google Adsense Earnign is |

9 Tricks I Used To Triple My AdSense Earnings In 30 Days

I have been using Google AdSense to monetize my blogs and websites for as long as I remember. In fact it was the first method I ever tried (I made a whooping $15 on my first month… back in 2005). Over the years I migrated to other methods (e.g., direct sponsors and affiliate marketing), which made AdSense become merely an inventory filler. I was still making around $1,000 monthly from it, but whenever I could I would use other methods over it.

Then some months ago I started noticing an upward trend on the CPC of my sites, and I figured that I should give AdSense another try. I started applying some tricks here and there, and the next month I made over $3,000 with it (that is combining all my sites). I was pleasantly surprised, and I decided to keep using it actively on some sites.

In this article I want to share with you the tips and tricks I used to triple my AdSense earnings in one month.

1. I added units to my Big Websites

Daily Blog Tips and Daily Writing Tips are my largest websites in terms of traffic. They are getting close to one million monthly page views (combined). Despite that I was not using AdSense on them, mainly because the direct sponsorship model was working relatively well.

Some months ago I decided to load some AdSense units on the sites, however, and the results were very positive. Around 70% of the boost I generated to my earnings came from these two sites. At the same time I managed to keep the other monetization methods working fine, and no reader ever complained about the new ads (more on that later).

Even if your blog is already making money with direct sponsors and affiliate marketing, therefore, you could still manage to increment your earnings by strategically adding some AdSense units.

2. I added units to my Small Websites

As many webmasters do, I have a bunch of small websites scattered around the web. Some are on free hosted platforms like Blogger, and others are self hosted sites that I abandoned along the way. Most of these sites still get traffic, however. Not much, but combined the numbers get decent.

I figured that adding AdSense units to all these sites could yield some money, and I was right. The main reason is that, since these are abandoned sites and don’t have loyal visitors, I can place the units very aggressively. The result was a very high CTR (Click-through rate), which compensates the small traffic levels.

Don’t underestimate the earning potential of small websites, especially if you are willing to place AdSense units aggressively.

3. I used the Large Units

If you want to make money with AdSense you’ll inevitably need to use one of these units: the 336×280 large rectangle, the 300×250 rectangle, the 120×600 large skyscraper or the 728×90 leaderboard.

Whenever I tried to use smaller units the results were disappointing. Even if I positioned them aggressively the CTR was just too low.

All four units mentioned above can produce good results, but the best performing one is by far the 336×280 large rectangle, and that is the one I used to boost my earnings.

4. I placed the Units above the Fold

My first trial was to place the 336×280 large rectangle between the post and the comments section of my blogs. The results were OK. I then decided to try placing them below the post titles for one week, and the CTR skyrocketed. In fact I still need to find a placement/unit combination that will beat placing a 336×280 unit below post titles.

I knew this rule, but I guess I needed to test and get confirmation. The rule is: if you want to make money with Google AdSense, you must place your units above the fold.

5. I Focused on Organic Traffic

My main concern with adding a large AdSense unit right below my post titles was that some of the loyal readers could get annoyed with it. At the same time I knew that loyal readers become ad blind quite fast, and that the bulk of my money would come from organic visitors (i.e., people coming via search engines to my posts).

To solve this problem I decided to display the large rectangle only on posts older than seven days (using the Why Do Work WordPress plugin). It worked like a charm, as loyal readers don’t even notice the ad units when they are browsing through my recent posts, and organic visitors almost always see the ads because they usually land on posts older than seven days.

6. I started using AdSense for Search

I was not sure how much money I would be able to make with AdSense for Search, but I was not happy with the search results provided by WordPress, so I decided to give it a shot anyway.

Currently I am making around $60 monthly with AdSense for Search. It is not much, but if you sum it over one year we are talking about $720. On top of that the search results are as relevant as you’ll get, so it is a win win situation.

7. I started using AdSense for Feeds

Another AdSense product I decided to try was the AdSense for Feeds one. I opted to display the ads below my feed items (you can also place them on top, but this would be too intrusive in my opinion). The results here were pretty good, both in terms of CTR and earnings.

You obviously need a large RSS subscriber base to make this work, but I am guessing that even with a couple thousand subscribers you could already make $100 monthly from feed ads.

8. I played around with section targeting

Section targeting is an AdSense feature that allows you to suggest specific sections of your site that should be used when matching ads. You can read more about it here.

I found that on niche and small websites section targeting can help a lot. Often times Google was displaying unrelated ads on these sites because there weren’t enough pages. After using section targeting I managed to increase the relevancy of the ads and consequently the CTRs.

9. I tested with Different Colors and Fonts

If you enabled both image and text ads on your units you should be able to customize the colors and fonts. I did some testing with both of these factors, and it helped to increase the numbers. Nothing dramatic, but it was definitely worth my time.

You just need to track your CTR for a couple of weeks. Then change the color or font and track it for another week, seeing if you can beat the original CTR. If you can, keep the new format. If you the performance decreased, try a new color or font and track the CTR for another week, until you find the optimal combination.

On my sites the best results came from making the ad units merge with the look of the site, but on some sites contrasting colors perform better, so testing is a must.

Daniel is the owner of Daily Blog Tips. He is also the author of the Make Money Blogging ebook, which you can download for free by signing up to his newsletter.

Friday, 11 March 2022

Adsense Make money from your website

For millions of people web sites are the major source of income. Thanks to the various ways to monetize a site, it is possible to make a living as a web master. However, this doesn’t mean that every web master is a millionaire. Well, if you know how to monetize your web site, you might not get rich but at least chances are that under the worst possible scenario, you will be able to cover your hosting fees and the other expenses you make for your site.  Currently the most profitable ways to monetize your site are CPM ads, CPC ads, CPA ads, direct sales of ad space, and selling merchandise/goods/services. These ways are described in this article.

CPM Ads Can Bring In Cents

CPM ads (an abbreviation for Cost Per Thousand) is the oldest type of site monetization. You put banners on your site and advertisers pay you based on the number of unique impressions/page views your site has.
 CPM ads are the easiest form of site monetization because they require almost no effort on your side, but they are also the least feasible because as a rule (unless you have really high traffic and your audience is well-targeted), the rates are low. Some CPM ad networks pay as low as $.05 per 1,000 uniques, which means that you need millions of visitors in order to make $100-200 a month. Popups and layer ads pay a bit more ($.5-2 per 1,000 uniques/pageviews). They could bring you a few dollars a month but many visitors find them especially irritating and this is why many web masters are not willing to put popups and/or layer ads on their sites. There are high-paying CPM ads – for instance ads paying $2-5 per 1,000 uniques but usually the networks that run them have very high traffic and quality requirements for the sites that are eligible. As a result, it is very hard to get into these networks and take advantage of these well-paid CPM ads. There are many CPM networks we can recommend. For sites with lots of traffic the choice better and some of the good options are, TribalFusion, CasaleMedia, and ValueClick because there CPM rates are good. AdBrite, AdToll, Right Media, and BurstMedia are also good. Some of these networks are CPM-only, while others have other types of ads as well. Google also has CPM ads, so you may want to try them.

CPC Ads Are a Profitable Way to Monetize a Site

CPC ads (an abbreviation from Cost Per Click) are different from CPM because with CPC you get paid not when visitors view ads but when they click on them. The good news is that CPC rates are much, much better and as a result, it is possible to make a decent income even with a small site with not so high traffic. The key with CPC success is to have a well-targeted site in a niche where there are a lot of advertisers. The most popular CPC network is Google Adsense and even though there are other CPC networks, the income you can make from Adsense is much higher. The reason is that Google Adsense has many advertisers and if your site is in a profitable niche, CPC can be the best way to monetize your site. Additionally, unlike some of the other CPC ad networks, Google Adsense is open to publishers from all over the world. Usually CPC ads are text ads and you publish them in blocks. However, there are also intext ads, where the keyword is underlined and when the visitor puts the mouse on it, a tooltip with CPC ads appears. Intext ads are less obtrusive but it takes much more effort for the user to notice them (and above all – to click them), which means that your chances to make money are further decreased. Kontera is one of the most popular networks for intext CPC ads.
  The list of good CPC ad networks is not as long as the list of CPM or CPA ad networks but still there is a choice. For instance, Google Adsense, Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN), BidVertiser, Chitika, and Clicksor are generally considered top choices but since many CPM ad networks pay decent rates for clicks on their CPM ads, you might want to try them as well.

CPA Ads Could Make You Rich

Currently CPA (an abbreviation from Cost Per Action) is the most profitable way to monetize a site in a profitable niche. CPA, also known as “affiliate programs”, pays you a commission when your visitors perform an action. Most often this action is a purchase, but it could also be something else – i.e. download a free trial, or signup for the service of the advertiser. Affiliate programs can make you rich because there are many products with really fat commissions. For niches such as health, finance, travel, etc. affiliate programs are a real golden mine. However, affiliate programs require a lot of efforts on your side and still there is no guarantee that the offers you pick to promote will convert well and will make you money. Sometimes even the highest converting offers won’t convert on your site and the only thing you can do is replace them with other offers, hoping that they will convert better. There might be hundreds of CPM ad networks but for CPA they are thousands. It is practically impossible to try all of them personally and this is why we would like to recommend some of the best to start with. Amazon, eBay, ShareASale, Commission Junction, Clickbank, Max Bounty, Azoogle, Never Blue Ads, LinkShare, or PepperJam are just a few of the greatest CPA networks we can recommend.

Direct Sales of Ads

If you are not happy with the CPM rates of ad networks, or CPC and CPA don’t convert well with your site, you could try to find direct advertisers. However, have in mind that such an endeavor is not necessarily bound to succeed and if your site doesn’t have audience advertisers can’t reach elsewhere, you will hardly be able to negotiate good prices. Still, for some sites direct sales of ad space are a viable alternative and this is why you could also try it. Openads Ad Server and OIO Publisher Ad Platform are two of the sites where you could try your luck. AdBrite also allowa you to price your ad space. In fact, almost any major network gives you the chance to put a widget on your site to invite advertisers directly to advertise on your site.

Sell Merchandise/Goods/Services

Buy or sell
Buy or sell stocks or shares in a business as a boxing match in the symbolic financial ring of investing with two gloves fighting for trading direction in the stock market isolated on a white background. In addition to CPA ads, where you are selling other merchants’ products, you can try selling your own merchandise or products/services with your brand. This technique works well mainly for popular sites with loyal audience and is hardly the easiest way to monetize a site. You could try to sell merchandise/goods/services as a supplementary service and if you see that this monetization technique works, you can expand the business. CafePress is one of the best places where you can sell merchandise with your logo and the greatest thing is that they print on demand, which means you don’t have to keep your merchandise in stock. The monetization techniques we described here can be combined. You can run CPM ads together with CPA or CPC. You can also combine multiple ads from the same type (i.e. CPM, CPC, or CPA) from different ad networks, provided that this doesn’t violate the terms of these networks. There isn’t a universal prescription about the best way to monetize a site. The basic rule is that you need to try and see what works for you. The fact that a given monetization technique works for somebody else doesn’t mean that it will work for you, so you need to try and see for yourself. 

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Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Top 5 Reasons For Disapproval Of Google Adsense Account

If you are a Google AdSense account holder, then this article would help you a little to protect your account. It is observed that many of the AdSense account holder having approved account, face it’s disapproval problem by Google after some days, due to some invalid activities. In this article I have discussed some of the reasons by which it can be disapproved by Google team, and some of the tips and measures to protect your AdSense account.

About AdSense
Almost we all are familiar with the most popular search engine – Google, and its services. Google AdSense is also a one of the most important and famous service by Google. Google company serve the advertisements and displays the ads of companies to promote the product or service of that company, and under an agreement it charges a fixed amount from the owner of the brand/legal representative of advertising relations/ or advertiser of the product/service, and then pays a fixed amount to the host/owner of the website/blog/ or page on the internet for serving those ads on his/her site/page, after deducting its profit and costs. As being an advertising company too, Google provides this service worldwide, and helps the companies to promote their products as well as helps the users to get in touch with the companies for buying/selling of the product and services or involving in their activities of business.

Why my AdSense disapproved?

This question is the most common and frequent amongst the users of AdSense account holder who's account get disapproved by Google team after a successful approval of account.
Here are some of the reasons by which your AdSense account may disapprove;

  1.     Accidental click on ads displayed Google on our own page of site/blog can be most common reasons for disapproval of it. Some time when we visit our own page to read or adjust any content, and by mistake we click on any ads, this will considered as an accidental click by user itself and may tend to disapproval of our account. Because Google has a very advance technology and systems, and they track the click very easily.
  2.     Invalid clicks: There are some software in the market which is being used by some fraudsters and people having criminal background, especially in cyber world, or some hackers. They use this software and set some site for virtual visit and click, this tends to a disapproval of our account.
  3.     Click exchange is also a reason which may cause disapproval of our account. This trend is most popular in western countries, and have some impact in India too, many of the users exchange their click with their friends/colleagues or known ones in order to increase their revenue. But this may cause to a problem to the user, because Google is not a small company, it has vast system network which is very advance, and has a very sharp detection on the account holder's activities from the same IP address on which users generally operated their accounts.
  4.     Non genuine activities: Sometime Google also disapprove our account for some non genuine activities like suddenly recording excessive clicks on the ads of a particular account holder in a normal day on the basis of their past average records.
  5.     Excessive promotion of site/blog to some non relevant sites or blogs, like adult sites and other sites on which illegal activities are done are also a big reason for disapproval of one's account. Users generally promote their sites/blogs excessively in order to maximize their revenue in a very short span of time, but unfortunately they lose their account. Being patience is the one and only criteria to avoid this issue.
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